Youth Impact Mission- Rwanda (YIM) is an initiative that aims at youth leadership development and reaching out to the youth in Rwanda and neighboring countries with the message of reconciliation with God and fellow man. It is a non-denominational and non-profit organisation comprising of youth, most of whom are high school and university students as well as young professionals.
Annual Vision Conference
School Based Vision Conference
Regional Vision Conference

Entrepreneurship and Business Development
Girls Empowerment Program
Leadership and Character Development
Professionalism and Organizational Ethics
YIM Clubs
Doing Life Together Evenings
Mentors Retreats
From Teaching To Educating

Kids Sponsorship For Impact
Shelter For Needy Families
Health Care(Mituelle de Sante)
Ant-Drug Campaign
Ant-Teenage Pregnancy Campaign
Ant-School Dropout Campaign


Our desire is to transform the youth by addressing pertinent issues challenging them such as drug and sex abuses while encouraging virtues of hard work and integrity. We equally encourage students to be mindful of their academics as an essential component of school life and a good foundation for personal success.