About Us
Youth Impact Mission- Rwanda (YIM) is an initiative that aims at youth leadership development and reaching out to the youth in Rwanda and neighboring countries with the message of reconciliation with God and fellow man. It is a non-denominational and non-profit organization comprising of youth, most of whom are high school and university students as well as young professionals.
Vision Conference is a gathering that brings over 1,500 student leaders annually in order to equip them with leadership skills and principles to transform society. The Vision Conference is conducted three times a year in different provinces in Rwanda alone. It is in these gatherings that critical issues of unity and reconciliation, hard work and integrity, patriotism and servant leadership, gender balance and the dignity of the girl child among others are addressed. We also visit high schools and carry out workshops, debates, and seminars covering a wide range of topics of critical importance to the youth after which YIM clubs are formed for accountability by peers. As a result, many youths have been transformed, able to reconcile their ethnic and religious differences and finding a vision and purpose in life.
- Loving and serving God and neighbors with humility
- Unity and Reconciliation across the different divides
- Friendship – being with people rather than merely doing things with them (intended to create long term relationships, with commitment to our role in society
- Integrity (with focus on Power, Sexual and Financial integrity)
- Hard Work as a prerequisite for success and National development
To see a reconciled, united and prosperous Rwandan Society under God-fearing servant leaders.
To raise a new breed of leaders committed to transforming the Rwandan society through training and equipping the youths with leadership skills and principles. As exemplified in the life of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
- To train the Rwandan community in leadership skills and sensitize them for unity and reconciliation, sustainable development, their welfare and gender balance.
- To support vulnerable people including the elderly, widows, orphans and street children.
- Unity and Reconciliation across the different divides.
- To train the community in different skills such as business skills, handicrafts, carpentry, and designing.
- Fight against drug abuse, HIV/AIDS and other epidemics.
- Promote modern farming in a well-protected and conserved environment.
Sam Birondwa
Co-Founder & Legal Representative
Tim Kreutter
Regional Petron & Senior Mentor
Nkotanyi Peter
Co-Founder & Executive Director
Ntakirutimana Emmanual Gally
Legal Representative Burundi
Mbabazi Jacqueline
Co-Founder & Vice Legal Representative
Ndikumana Graciella
Vice Legal Representative Burundi
With my colleagues, we have opened up a restaurant in Nyabugogo. I
attribute this to the training I acquired from Youth Impact Mission.
Before the programme, I used to have a business idea but I was afraid of
failing. I have since realised that fear leads to business failure. I
worked on it and here I am an entrepreneur.
Samuel Muhawinimana
Former student at Kigali Leading Technical School
I joined this school two years back, but I was forced to repeat a
class I had already passed. This demotivated me and I lost all hope.
When the programme was introduced last year, I learnt that without
knowing where you are going, you can fall for anything. I have learnt
why it’s good to keep on trying no matter the situation.
Ange Marie Isimbi
S6 student at SOS Secondary School Kinyinya
I believe this success was not only a
result of my academic work, but rather my active involvement in
extracurricular activities. The Youth Impact Mission programme,
particularly played a big role in this.
Jean Erick Niyitanga
Former student at GS Gahini